About me

I am a 21 year old who lives in Sydney, Australia. I spend most of my time with my family and close friends. Otherwise, I configure Linux systems, play drums and train in my spare time, among some other things. Basically, I'm just an average zoomer.

I am interested in fostering a tight-knit community around me, something which I feel is dissolving in our current age. People need a cohesive, structured network of people to survive. This is in our biology. I don't get how this is lost on some people. It's important, man.

This does not include online "communities". There are drastic consequences to spending too much time on the computer, I don't want to live that way. This obviously means that I am not interested in making new friends online. See Contact me for more information.

I enjoy making the people that are around me happy. It helps a great deal given the state of things. I greatly appreciate people who are willing to do the same.

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